We need only couple of minutes to pack and ship your order. Parcels are being picked up from our warehouse every 6 hours and delivered to our customers. More than 80% of our parcels are delivered in 1 day. You will be supprised how fast you will get your order. more »
Every single item what we have in our store is in our stock, that's why you can have it in your possession quickly. more »
You won't find our collection anywhere. Every item is unique and made only in one copy. If you find something that looks the same in our store, it is only an illusion. Each item is truly unique and one of a kind more »
If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, please return the jewelry within 30 days and we will exchange or refund the purchase price. Your satisfaction is our goal! more »
We are more than glad to send you a free gift with every purchase over $200. The free gift is especially for you! more »
Our jewelry is more than average jewelry. We simply create pieces of art. Every item is designed and handmade for our company only. We cooperate with famous jewelry designers from Europe, America and Asia and our jeweler is made according to latest artistic world trends. more »
Very nice workmanship I would recomend your jewelry to anyone. Thank you so much.
I am very pleased with the mookaite bracelet. It is a beautiful piece of jewelry! Also, the peruvian opal earrin(...)
beautiful as always.
i love the braclet i tell anyone who comments on my jewelry where i purchased the pieces and give them your web sit(...)
Nice items - especially the malachite earrings.
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