Selection of jewelry

Selection of jewelry
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Surrounded by beautiful trinkets offered by our jewelery shop, we feel surrounded by beautiful things, and the choice seems simple. Usually, we have some idea of what we want to buy, but sometimes it turns out that jewelry, although beautiful, causes disharmony. Sometimes it is a finely matched necklace that does not fit into the short neck, distorts the anatomy, leaving the impression that we are missing a part of the body. Jewelry is an important element of our wardrobe and similarly to the selection of clothes, its choice should be subject to specific rules. The goal is good well-being and great looks.

Let’s make the rules that will help you choose the most suitable jewelry for a particular person.
Aspects of jewelry selection in the context of physiognomy.


Oval face

Oval face is the most universal type of beauty, allowing you to wear any type of jewelry, including earrings. People with long hair are advised to wear earrings with an English clasp or a stick. Also be aware that earrings on “long ears” have a security piece when purchased. Choose the earrings according to the temperature of your beauty.

Round face

Persons with a round face are advised to wear elongated earrings. The grammage and weight of the product are chosen in relation to the body structure. Persons with excess body fat should wear jewelry that is clearly longitudinal. For people with long hair, it is recommended to wear earrings with English clasp or stick.

Elongated face

If you have an elongated face shape, it is not advisable to wear longitudinal earrings because they are optically elongate. For such faces, most appropriate ear tags “at the ear”that but may be of any size are recommended. Try to avoid wearing earrings longer than 3-4 cm.

Square face

As in the case of a round face, earrings should give an optically elongated impression. Similarly, we choose earrings based on the body. The best choice are earrings with delicate, slightly rounded forms.

Pear shaped face

Avoid tear-shaped earrings.

Chains, necklaces, pendants

When choosing a necklace we take into account our height, neck length and size.

Short neck

In the case of a short neck, avoid wearing a necklace, especially around the neck. It is recommended to wear delicate chains with pendants. If you decide on a necklace, it should fall on the collarbone or between the breasts, with a distance between the necklace and the neck of not less than 4.5 cm.

Short and thick neck

In case of a short and thick neck, it is recommended to wear a necklace falling between the breasts, preferably illuminating – polished silver, crystals, amber. This results in an optical effect of elongating the silhouette in this body part.

Swan neck

In the case of people with a swan neck, necklaces around the neck make the person wearing them look stunning. It is permissible to wear everything without risking harmony.

One style of jewelry, best bought as a set adds Elegance and dignity.

Overall dimensions

If you are a larger woman, you can wear jewelry in any styles, also extravagant. By a larger woman, we mean a person with a large B cup, 168 cm tall and weighing 70 kg.

If you are filigree and smaller in height, you should not wear large jewelry. Alternatively, you can treat yourself to one large thing such as a bracelet, pendant or earrings.


Brooches are universal for all women. They can be attached to the collar of the shirt, to the left of the chest below the clavicle, to the hat or flaps of jackets or cloaks.

Jewelry selection – final remarks

We always choose jewelry according to its purpose. The jewel-blasted necklace is the culmination point of the evening dress is not suitable for wearing on a daily basis.

Too much formwork has a negative influence sometimes. Always strive for harmony. Jewelry must be matched to the body shape, face shape and neck length.
