Spiritual Meaning of Opalite

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Opalite is one of the man-made stones. It’s usually clear or milky, and iridescent. The stone is mainly composed of mineral dolomite attached with metal. It’s subtle and soft, yet opalescent. It is considered to be beneficial for psychics – it encourages communication with the spiritual realm. Many people wear it (or place it underneath the pillow) to fight against insomnia and induce relaxation. Do you want to know more about how opalite jewelry affects your mind and body? Keep reading to find out.

The spiritual meaning behind opalite jewelry

Opalite rings and opalite pendants are believed to have many benefits for your health, wealth, healing and love life. Opalite is subtle, yet many people consider it highly energetic. It provides gentle vibrational energy to the wearer. Here are some details.

Opalite jewelry benefits for your health

Insomnia, trouble sleeping or nightmares – these are the issues you may partially solve thanks to opalite jewelry. The stone is very calming so it’s often used for relaxation. It also supports healthy oxygenation and enhances your psychic powers. Opalite rings and opalite pendants balance the yin-yang energies and stabilize the mood swings. They might be a solution for any blockages in the energy.

Opalite jewelry benefits for your healing

Opalite jewelry is used in purifying the kidneys and the blood. It supports healing, both physical and mental. It increases your self-esteem and improves your self-worth.  Also, it is believed to be good for depression and anxiety as the stone soothes frayed nerves. Opalite jewelry brings inner peace and a sense of calm in any situation.

Opalite jewelry benefits for your wealth

If you want to achieve success in business, consider buying some opalite rings and opalite pendants. Opalite helps you make important and relevant decisions, especially those with major life changes. It definitely harness your personal power and gives you strength in verbalizing your needs.

Opalite jewelry benefits for your love life

The stone improves communication and interaction with people. It supports the inner strength when you experience changes in life, as well as helps you express your feelings. Opalite jewelry helps in keeping a healthy balance in the female and male energies. The stone aids sexual powers and enhances the sexual experience. According to some legends, opalite is the stone of love but it only rewards faithful lovers. Opalite rings and opalite pendants help form lasting romantic bonds.

Opalite rings and opalite pendants at SilverRushStyle

As you can see, opalite is the gemstone of positive change, relaxation and calm, deep sleep. Our opalite rings and opalite pendants are inspiring and imaginative. Opalite jewelry best serves the Gemini zodiac sign, however, it brings extreme benefits to all personalities. It encourages open communication which makes it a perfect gift for someone who is shy and quiet. It helps people to express themselves and self explore. Also, if you go through any transitions in your life now, opalite jewelry will guide you through changes. Browse our unique, wide selection of opalite jewelry sets to find the one you will love most.
